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​Frequently Asked Questions & Helpful Links

Does an athlete need a Minnesota DNR Firearms Safety Certificate?

Not only YES but it is REQUIRED of all athletes in order to shoot. Please see the link offered below.


How old does an athlete need to be to participate? 

12, at this age, your child can obtain his or her Minnesota DNR Firearms Safety Certificate. The student must be able to handle the shotgun safely. Participation will be at the discretion of the coaches. If the student’s ability and development are questionable, the coaches may have the shooter mature more before joining the team.


Is experience required?

No, just a desire to participate in the sport and willingness to take direction from the coaches. 


What equipment is needed to participate?

A 12 or 20 gauge shotgun in proper working order. An over/under, semi-automatic, or a pump-action will work fine. For Skeet, the gun will need to load and shoot two shells. There are doubles at four stations. Ammunition for the gun is your responsibility, as are the payments for practice rounds. Safety glasses (prescription glasses are fine), Hearing Protection, and an ammo pouch are also required. 


What kind of ammunition and how much is needed?

 #7½ and #8 shot target loads are allowed on the trap field and #8 or #9 at the skeet field. Each athlete will need a minimum of 32 boxes for Spring Season and will cover 6 weeks of competition and all scheduled practices. This does not include extra practice rounds, which are highly recommended. This sport requires training just like any other sport, the more, the better!! Fall League requires 12 boxes of shells for the short five weeks of competition and one reserve week. Although there is no mandatory practice for Fall League, it’s highly recommended you practice on your own. 


​Where can one buy ammunition?

The Booster Club offers a spring pre-buy on Federal Target Load 12 gauge #7½  shot 2¾” 1-1/8oz during registration. This is a discounted price compared to local retailers available to our shooting club in case lots only. Otherwise families are welcome to source their own via the following avenues: Cabelas, Dicks, Fleet Farm and Wal-mart, as well as other sporting goods stores.


​Are reloads allowed?



What Choke is needed?

For Trap, the preferred choke is a Modified. For Skeet, you should use an Improved Cylinder or a Skeet choke. If you have more choke questions, please talk to the coaches.


Does bad or poor weather stop you from shooting? 

No, we will shoot in the rain, snow, sleet, and sunshine. The only exception is lightning seen and heard from the location we are shooting at and then called by the coaches. 


What is needed for clothing/uniform? 

Spring league requires athletes to wear a Team jersey which is part of the registration fee; a hat is recommended but not required (helps keep the sun out of your eyes).  Fall league, there are no requirements for Fall League- team shirts are not provided because of the short season. But we ask that you wear Blaine Bengal Wear to help represent Blaine High School. This activity is outdoors, dress accordingly. No open toe shoes or flip flop’s allowed. 


If an athlete participates in other school activities. Can they still shoot? 

Yes, as long as they can make time for competition nights and their grades meet the required GPA.


How do athletes get to the field? 

Athletes are required to provide their own transportation to and from the range. When you attend the mandatory safety meeting, you will be given the opportunity to ask for ride help from the other students that drive and can help.

 **Just a reminder you cannot bring a gun or ammunition to school or its grounds, including the parking lot. 


Where do the Teams shoot? 

The Trap and Skeet Teams shoot at Beaverbrook- 20500 Palisade St. NE, Cedar, Minnesota 55011.


Can athletes earn a letter for shooting? 

Yes, but only in the spring league with an average of 19 or better. Due to the short Fall season, lettering is not possible.


How can I help?

Opportunities abound at all levels! Helping to score each week (training will be provided), Snack & Beverage donations each week, positions filled on the Booster Club Board, and attending the booster club meetings.




Helpful Links  for athlete ranking during the Spring League  for athlete shooting statistics  this will be important to Spring League shooters website of facility where the Teams shoot for Minnesota Skeet Shooting Association information for information in sourcing Gun Safety Courses


Map to Beaverbrook:'s+Club/@45.3384294,-93.2155494,2385m/data=!3m1!1e3!4m5!3m4!1s0x0:0x372238f58613e840!8m2!3d45.3415045!4d-93.2138821?hl=en

©2023 by Blaine Trap and Skeet

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