Our Booster Club works hard throughout the year to ensure that athletes are able to continue to enjoy the sport of Clay Target Shooting. This year we are looking for donations from our community in the form of Sponsorships. We will be creating a Sponsorship Practice Jersey which will display our Gold, Silver and Bronze Sponsor's logos on the back. Our athletes will wear these Practice Jerseys at not only each Monday or Saturday afternoon practice but also while participating in various volunteering events throughout the season and into the summer. Our plan is that these shirts will have a fun saying/design on the front which will make the athletes want to wear them well past the season ends.
Each Sponsorship will be honored as follows:
$2,500.00 – TOP GUN: Only 2 spots available – right or left sleeve placement of logo on the Sponsorship Practice Jersey, logo placement on our blainetrapskeet.com website and features on our Facebook Page
$1,000.00 Elite level: Elite placement of logo on the Sponsorship Practice Jersey (top row), logo placement on our blainetrapskeet.com website and features on our Facebook Page
$750.00 Gold Level: Premier placement of logo on the Sponsorship Practice Jersey (top quarter), logo placement on our blainetrapskeet.com website and features on our Facebook Page
$500.00 Silver Level: Placement of logo on the Sponsorship Practice Jersey (mid-half), logo placement on our blainetrapskeet.com website.
$250.00 Bronze Level: Placement of logo on the Sponsorship Practice Jersey (lower quarter)
* Our Sponsorship Practice Jersey will be going to print on 4/15/24, therefore all logos are due no later than 4/12/24.
The link on the left will take you to our Sponsorship Form. Please note that the form will close at midnight on April 12th, 2024.
We are grateful to our 2025 Sponsors
Top Gun Sponsors
Elite Sponsor
Gold Sponsor
Silver Sponsor
Bronze Sponsor
We extend special thanks to these Supporters